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Английский словарь американских идиом - full


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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »CONTAINER/ROOM/PLACE ETC« also full up if something such as a container, room, or place is full, no more things or people can go in it  (a full box of cereal | The class is full, but you can register now for next term.) + of  (We walked in to find the kitchen full of smoke.) full to the brim (=filled to the top of something)  (a cup full to the brim with water | full to bursting BrE (=very full))  (the room was full to bursting) 2 »COMPLETE/TOTAL« a) including all parts or details  (Please write your full name and address on the form. | We have a full range of new cars. | the full story (=everything someone knows about something))  (I still don't think he's telling us the full story.) b) the highest level or greatest amount of something  (Weissman and I are in full agreement on this issue.) 3 be full of a) to feel or express a strong emotion  (children full of excitement at Christmas | He's full of guilt about the death of his daughter.) b) to think or talk about one thing all the time  (He was full of his plans for travelling around the world. | be full of yourself (=only think about yourself))  (Brad's all right, but he's a little too full of himself.) c) to contain many things of the same kind  (a sky full of stars | His essay is full of mistakes.) 4 »TIME« a) lasting the whole time  (My father spent three full hours trying to explain one problem in my math book.) b) filled with many things to do  (I've had a full week. I'm looking forward to staying home tonight.) 5 »FOOD« informal also full up BrE having eaten so much food that you cannot eat any more  (No more, thanks. I'm full. | do sth on a full stomach (=do physical activity just after a meal)) 6 at full speed as fast as possible  (Parker was driving at full speed when he hit the wall.) 7 rise to your full height/draw yourself up to your full height to stand up very straight 8 fall/lie full length to fall or lie flat, with your body stretched out 9 »CLOTHING« a full skirt, pair of trousers etc is made with a lot of material and fits loosely...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fuller, fullest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can. Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise. ...a full tank of petrol. ? empty ADJ 2. If a place or thing is full of things or people, it contains a large number of them. The case was full of clothes... The streets are still full of debris from two nights of rioting. ...a useful recipe leaflet full of ideas for using the new cream. = filled ADJ: v-link ADJ of n 3. If someone or something is full of a particular feeling or quality, they have a lot of it. I feel full of confidence and so open to possibilities... Mom’s face was full of pain. ...an exquisite mousse, incredibly rich and full of flavour. ADJ: v-link ADJ of n 4. You say that a place or vehicle is full when there is no space left in it for any more people or things. The main car park was full when I left about 10.45... They stay here a few hours before being sent to refugee camps, which are now almost full... The bus was completely full, and lots of people were standing. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 5. If your hands or arms are full, you are carrying or holding as much as you can carry. Sylvia entered, her arms full of packages... People would go into the store and come out with their arms full. ADJ: v-link ADJ 6. If you feel full, you have eaten or drunk so much that you do not want anything else. It’s healthy to eat when I’m hungry and to stop when I’m full. ADJ: v-link ADJ • fullness High fibre diets give the feeling of fullness. N-UNCOUNT 7. You use full before a noun to indicate that you are referring to all the details, things, or people that it can possibly include. Full details will be sent to you once your application has been accepted... May I have your full name?... = complete ADJ: ADJ n 8. Full is used to describe a sound, light, or physical force which is being produced with the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German fol ~, Latin plenus ~, plere to fill, Greek pleres ~, plethein to be ~  Date: before 12th century  1. containing as much or as many as is possible or normal a bin ~ of corn  2.  a. complete especially in detail, number, or duration a ~ report gone a ~ hour my ~ share  b. lacking restraint, check, or qualification ~ retreat ~ support  c. having all distinguishing characteristics ; enjoying all authorized rights and privileges ~ member ~ professor  d. not lacking in any essential ; perfect in ~ control of your senses  e.  (1) completely occupied by runners came to bat with the bases ~  (2) having three balls and two strikes a ~ count  3.  a. being at the highest or greatest degree ; maximum ~ speed ~ strength  b. being at the height of development ~ bloom  c. being a ~ moon ; completely illuminated the moon is ~ tonight  4. rounded in outline a ~ figure  5.  a. possessing or containing a great number or amount — used with of a room ~ of pictures ~ of hope  b. having an abundance of material especially in the form of gathered, pleated, or flared parts a ~ skirt  c. rich in experience a ~ life  6.  a. satisfied especially with food or drink  b. large enough to satisfy a ~ meal  7. archaic completely weary  8. having both parents in common ~ sisters  9. having volume or depth of sound ~ tones  10. completely occupied especially with a thought or plan ~ of his own concerns  11. possessing a rich or pronounced quality a food of ~ flavor Synonyms:  ~, complete, plenary, replete mean containing all that is wanted or needed or possible. ~ implies the presence or inclusion of everything that is wanted or required by something or that can be held, contained, or attained by it a ~ schedule. complete applies when all that is needed is present a complete picture of the situation. plenary adds to complete the implication of ~ness without qualification given plenary power. replete implies being...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 (often foll. by of) holding all its limits will allow (the bucket is full; full of water). 2 having eaten to one's limits or satisfaction. 3 abundant, copious, satisfying, sufficient (a full programme of events; led a full life; turned it to full account; give full details; the book is very full on this point). 4 (foll. by of) having or holding an abundance of, showing marked signs of (full of vitality; full of interest; full of mistakes). 5 (foll. by of) a engrossed in thinking about (full of himself; full of his work). b unable to refrain from talking about (full of the news). 6 a complete, perfect, reaching the specified or usual or utmost limit (full membership; full daylight; waited a full hour; it was full summer; in full bloom). b Bookbinding used for the entire cover (full leather). 7 a (of tone or colour) deep and clear, mellow. b (of light) intense. c (of motion etc.) vigorous (a full pulse; at full gallop). 8 plump, rounded, protuberant (a full figure). 9 (of clothes) made of much material arranged in folds or gathers. 10 (of the heart etc.) overcharged with emotion. 11 sl. drunk. 12 (foll. by of) archaic having had plenty of (full of years and honours). --adv. 1 very (you know full well). 2 quite, fully (full six miles; full ripe). 3 exactly (hit him full on the nose). 4 more than sufficiently (full early). --n. 1 height, acme (season is past the full). 2 the state or time of full moon. 3 the whole (cannot tell you the full of it). --v.intr. & tr. be or become or make (esp. clothes) full. Phrases and idioms at full length 1 lying stretched out. 2 without abridgement. come full circle see CIRCLE. full age adult status (esp. with ref. to legal rights and duties). full and by Naut. close-hauled but with sails filling. full back a defensive player, or a position near the goal, in football, hockey, etc. full blood pure descent. full-blooded 1 vigorous, hearty, sensual. 2 not hybrid. full-bloodedly forcefully, wholeheartedly. full-bloodedness being full-blooded. full-blown fully developed,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) валять 2) вполне 3) дополна 4) как раз 5) наследственный 6) полный 7) полным-полно 8) увалять 9) ширококолейный железный almost full point species — почти полный точечный вид almost full set — почти полное множество almost full subpolytope — почти полный подполитоп along the full length — по всей длине apply full ailerons — отклонять элероны полностью disbark logs in full — окорять древесину по всей длине full annular eclipse — астрон. затмение кольцеобразно-полное full braid group — полная группа кос full commutator group — полная коммутаторная группа full contingency table — полная таблица сопряженности признаков full factorial experiment — полный факторный эксперимент full gambling house — полное множество игроков full gauge railraod — ширококолейная железная дорога full information maximum likelihood — максимальное правдоподобие с полной информацией full line graph — сплошная линия (на графике) full linear group — полная линейная группа full orthogonal group — полная ортогональная группа full pressure suit — костюм спасательный морской высотный full productive set — насыщенное продуктивное множество full rotation group — полная группа вращений full symmetric group — полная симметричная группа full thickness of a seam — полная мощность пласта full unimodular group — полная унимодулярная группа full woollen fabric — уваливать...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) полный, целый 2) неукороченный 3) богатый • - Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act - Full Payment - costs in full - full amount - full capacity operation - full employment output - full faith and credit - full member - full mobilization period - full output - full pay - full scale - full service - full time - in full force - in full - pay in full - payment in full ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. полнота; высшая точка (чего-л) the full of the moon —- полнолуние the full of the tide —- высшая точка прилива to the full —- полностью; в полной мере; в высшей степени at the full —- спец. в момент полноты to enjoy smth. to the full —- насладиться чем-л в полной мере 2. все, целое to tell the full of smth. —- рассказывать все in full —- полностью write your name in full —- напишите ваше имя полностью 3. шотл. бушель 4. полный, налитый или наполненный до краев full glass —- полный стакан eyes full of tears —- глаза, полные слез 5. наполненный; заполненный full to the brim (to overflowing) —- переполненный, полный до краев only half full —- налитый или заполненный до половины full audience —- переполненный зал a room full of furniture —- комната, заставленная мебелью full stomach —- полный желудок 6. полный, неукороченный, несокращенный full load —- полная нагрузка full name —- полное имя; имя и фамилия to drive a car at full speed —- вести автомобиль на высшей скорости full inspiration —- мед. глубокий вдох full step —- воен. полный шаг at full length —- во весь рост, во всю длину 7. исполненный, преисполненный a person full of kindness —- человек, исполненный доброты full of dignity —- полный достоинства 8. полный, исчерпывающий full details of a scheme —- подробное изложение плана a full treatment of a subject —- исчерпывающее...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. adj.  1) полный; целый a full audience - полная аудитория, полный зрительный зал full to overflowing (to the brim) - полный до краев a full hour - целый час - full load  2) поглощенный he is full of his own affairs - он всецело занят своими делами  3) обильный - full meal  4) coll. сытый to eat till one is full - есть до отвала, до полного насыщения  5) изобилующий, богатый чем-л.  6) широкий, свободный (о платье)  7) полный, дородный  8) достигший высшей степени, высшей точки in full vigour - в расцвете сил full tide - высокая вода - full brother - full powers to be on full time быть занятым полную рабочую неделю - full up - full moon Syn: see entire  2. noun - in full - to the full  3. adv.  1) poet. вполне  2) как раз the ball hit him full on the nose - мяч попал ему прямо в нос  3) очень full well - (очень) хорошо  4. v. кроить широко (платье); шить в сборку, в складку II v. text. валять (сукно) FULL blood чистокровная лошадь FULL board noun полный пансион FULL brother родной брат FULL dress noun полная парадная форма - in full dress FULL face анфас FULL growth полное развитие FULL house noun аншлаг FULL load полная нагрузка FULL marks noun; pl.  1) отличная оценка  2) высокая оценка (кого-л., чего-л.); признание FULL meal сытная еда FULL measure полная мера FULL moon полнолуние FULL of beans  а) горячий (о лошади)  б) живой, энергичный; в приподнятом настроении FULL of mischief...
Англо-русский словарь


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